Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a 3D printed item in a different color or type of filament. Yes, you can contact us for a list of different filament colors and types. We keep a stock of PLA+ filament inn the listed clors: Black, White, Red, Blue Green. For a fee we can order a different color or type of filament and make a product.

What is the reason for weird colors in product photos? When prototyping and creating projects for personal use I try to use lower cost filament. The source I use for filament sells filament with inconsistent color at a discount. I use these for much of my prototyping to help reduce cost.

What information do you collect and how do you keep it safe? The only relevant information we use is related to website tracking, order placement and shipping. We don't collect or store any payment information; we use Stripe and Paypal for all transactions. We also offer a newsletter sign up and will occasionally send out email communication to customers.

In no way will theflin3d sell and information provided to us.

Will you use designs based on trademarked or copyrighted work? We do not create products based on designs that directly replicate trademarked or copyrighted property without explicit permission from the owner. We understand the importance of protecting intellectual property and do not intentionally produce items based on licensed material.

All models on thingiverse and printables have a copyright statement that determines what they can be used for, and I will print anything marked NC (Non-Commercial). If you want something printed that is labeled NC you can contact the owner and get permission in writing. This policy helps to protect everyone.

If you have any questions about our design policies or need assistance in creating a custom design, please feel free to contact us.

faq.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/31 16:33